Al/MgF2 thin film as it looks after removing for the sputtering chamber
TEM images of L10 (Fe,Co)Pt-based magnetic films deposited by AJA sputtering system. The film thickness is thin; the image shows that the Fe/Pt film initially forms islands of materials rather than a continuous film.
Arc Melt and Melt Spinner Images
FeCoCeTi alloyed Arc-melted sample seen from the top (left side) and the side (right).
Melt spun ribbons
Magnetic Measurements from Squid
Hysteresis Loops measurements taken for an alloy of FeCoCeTi produced by arc melting and melt spun into ribbons
Zero Field Cooled and Field Cooled measurements taken for an alloy of FeCoCeTi produced by arc melting and melt spun into ribbons